Ear Infections

Ear infections in childhood are very common in the Fairfield and greater Cincinnati areas, but they are not a normal part of the growing process. It is common to think ear infections are caused by a bacterial infection that leads parents to take their child right to their doctor or the hospital if they are experiencing ear pain or an ear infection.  Most doctors find diagnosing the cause of the ear infection difficult since symptoms of pain, vomiting, trouble hearing, and fever are the same no matter the source of the infection.  The only way to tell the cause of the infection is to take a sample of the fluid from the middle ear with a needle, and most doctors chose not to perform this invasive and expensive procedure.  

The treatment choice of most physicians is: prescribing an antibiotic.  These medications have the side effect of destroying the good microbes in your child’s stomach, and they only help with bacterial ear infections.  Sadly, only about half the time bacteria is the cause of an ear infection.  When ear infections are caused by a viral infection or from a structural issue, the antibiotics will not help at all.  

Another common treatment for chronic ear infections is inserting ear tubes or tympanostomy tubes in the eardrum of the child.  This highly invasive surgery requiring general anesthesia unfortunately is not always effective or necessary and after repeated surgeries, there is a high likelihood your child could end of with life-long ringing in their ears.

Dr. Rob Cartwright is trained to diagnose and treat structural issues that result in ear infections.  Misalignments in the spine lead to muscle tightness in the neck and back which impedes the ability of the nervous system to communicate with the inner ear.  This can compromise the ear’s ability to properly drain infected fluids.  When drainage is blocked and fluids accumulate, recurrent infections occur.  Chiropractic care can help restore the nervous system and assist the body to naturally drain accumulated fluids.  Your child’s body will not only be better equipped to fight off ear infections, but also to develop strength and overall good health.

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