Colicky Baby
Infant colic is described as unexplained and uncontrolled crying or screaming in an otherwise healthy baby that occurs for more than three hours a day, three days per week, and for three weeks or more.  When your infant has colic, it becomes difficult for your whole family as your baby seems to be constantly in distress.  When you’re having sleepless nights and restless days of ceaseless crying, it feels as though there is nothing you can do to help.  Chiropractic care may be just what is needed to treat your infant’s symptoms.
There are many theories as to why colic exists, from digestive issues to hormones to oversensitivity, but one thing is clear: whatever the cause, chiropractic care from Dr. Rob Cartwright may be the solution.  Through manual examinations, Dr. Rob has found that the majority of infants have spinal abnormalities.  This is not surprising given the force and strain on infants during the process of both natural and c-section delivery.  Furthermore, the use of clamps and vacuums can lead to subluxations and these misalignments may irritate your baby’s nervous system and cause the colic.
Chiropractic care has been regarded for centuries as a vital aspect of a healthy life. Â Touch is among the first of the senses to develop in newborns and babies respond positively to human touch both physically and emotionally. Â Dr. Rob Cartwright understands the special needs of infants and provides soothing and nurturing treatment so your baby will spend les time crying and more time laughing and playing. Â It also means you will get more quality time playing with your baby versus trying to console them. Â Most families notice that after only one adjustment, their baby cries less because they are more comfortable and, over time, with their nervous system fully functioning, they are also at a decreased risk for allergies, ADHD, colds, flu, ear infections, and asthma.