Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition beginning in childhood that can impact the person into adulthood.  The persistent inability of the person suffering from ADHD to pay attention and control their impulses can be incredibly distressing and disruptive, to them and their families.  

Due to the complexity of the issue, ADHD is not always easy to diagnose and finding a treatment option can be challenging.  The increased stress and pressure from social and environmental factors causes an increase in difficult behaviors, such as hyperactivity and emotional outbursts.  Signs of ADHD seen in someone for at least six months means intervention would be helpful.

The signs are:

  • Acting impulsively with the inability to wait their turn, allow others to speak, or to think before acting out
  • Being disorganized
  • Commonly losing things or an inability to complete assigned tasks
  • Fidgeting with their hands or feet
  • Inability to concentrate or stay in one place for long periods of time
  • Inability to remain quiet or sit for long periods of time
  • Preoccupied with other activities and noises instead of the task at hand
  • Tendency to talk more than others around them

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with ADHD or you believe they have ADHD, Dr. Rob Cartwright can help.  ADHD varies in each person, but a common believe is that the symptoms are caused by an imbalance in the nervous system.  The most effective treatment, then, would be to correct any imbalances and restore the nervous system to optimal functioning.  This is one common treatment Dr. Cartwright provides.  There is no need to be concerned about side effects or long-term health impacts with the treatment options from Dr. Cartwright.  Your loved one who is struggling with ADHD will receive a thorough evaluation, and a comprehensive treatment plan which will include restoring the nervous system to a health state.  Call your loved one today to give your loved one a chance to reach their full potential.

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