Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a painful condition that happens when the median nerve is compressed. The pain experienced is the result of swelling or misalignment of tissues or bone that presses on the nerve. There is always an underlying cause of the pain. Some patients have an obvious injury, but the most common cause is repetitive stress from use or long-term use of vibrating instruments. Pregnancy, obesity, and metabolic disorders can also cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If both wrists are affected at the same time, the cause could be a nerve irritation in the spine.
Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can include pain, numbness, weakness, or burning sensations. The nerves in the fingertips travel through the wrist, up the arm, and into the neck. The spine is the center of the nervous system and the pain in your hands and wrists can be relieved with concentrated spinal and joint adjustments. If you are experiencing any signs of Carpal Tunnel call our office today for a consultation with Dr. Cartwright.