Pyroenergen Therapy

The Pyro-Energen is the first and only electrostatic therapy machine designed for preventing and eradicating the root cause of viral diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and diseases of unknown etiology.  The machine was introduced in 1968 by Japanese Inventor, Junji Takano, and has been used with great success. 

The machine works by surrounding the patient’s body with a special electric field made of negatively-charged static electricity.  When the body is enveloped by this electric field, an environment is created where the cancer cells and viruses cannot reproduce and mutate, so they eventually die.  On a healthy individual, the use of the machine will prevent cancer cells and viruses from developing. 

The Pyro-Energen is very effective against prevalent diseases including:

For cancer treatment, research shows recovery from Stage 0, 1 and 2 when applying the Pyro-Energen electrostatic therapy.  Chance of recovery starts to diminish at Stage 3 as cancer cells start to metastasize and spread to other organs.  For Stage 4, the chance of recovery is even further diminished.  The Pyro-Energen may help ease the pain and increase survival rate or life expectancy.

The Pyro-Energen machine produces and utilizes powerful negatively-charged static electricity.  This negatively-charged static electricity exists naturally in our atmosphere.  It is essential to living things.  It is a 100% naturally occurring energy so it does not yield harmful side effects. 

Pyro-Energen Electrostatic Therapy is simple, it works, and it is reasonably priced.  Experience for yourself what it means to be healthy and disease-free by using the Pyro-Energen at Cartwright Chiropractic today!

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